PhD vacancies investigating vascular and endocrine pathways in hypertension

16 Feb 2021

MINDSHIFT are offering 3-year PhD fellowships to start between May and October 2021. a top-level interdisciplinary research programme to investigate the dynamic interactions between vascular and endocrine pathways in hypertension, using an integrative framework approach fed by new data, and insights from cutting-edge experimental and clinical studies.

The fellows will work with one of the host organisations and benefit from secondments in academia and industry, training and transferable-skills courses and active participation in workshops and conferences. They will be offered a salary plus mobility allowance and family allowance (if applicable) in line with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Horizon 2020 requirements for Early Stage Researchers. 

The MINDSHIFT consortium consists of 15 academic and non-academic partners from 9 European countries. Coordinated by CARIM, Maastricht University, the core network is composed of 6 academic institutions. They host early-stage researchers trained within the MINDSHIFT network and work closely with the partner organisations, including Bioscientifica. Bioscientifica is the Society's wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary.

Find out more and apply.