Free online workshop on 'Standing up for Science'

18 Feb 2021

Sense about Science is running an online Standing up for Science workshop for early career researchers on 26th March as part of their Voice of Young Science network.

The workshop is free for STEM and social science early career researchers, trainees and medical professionals. The aim of the workshop is to encourage ECRs to make their voices heard in public debates about science. The session will be made up of two panels, a media panel and a policy panel, where ECRs can learn what is expected of them from journalists and policymakers, routes and pathways to engage with media or policy worlds, as well as useful tips and tricks from the panellists and each other. An additional breakout room activity further increases the opportunity for interaction amongst ECRs to discuss challenges they face, share practical advice and expand their networks.

Apply by 5pm on Monday 1 March, using this application form.