Congratulations to the winners of the Society’s 2020 Journal Awards

14 Sept 2020

The Society’s Journal Awards recognise articles from each of the Society-owned journals for excellence in both research focus and practice. 

Journal of Endocrinology
Androgens modulate glucocorticoid receptor activity in adipose tissue and liver
Dieuwertje C E Spaanderman et al

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
Crosstalk of BMP-4 and RA signaling pathways on Pomc gene regulation in corticotrophs
Leandro Nieto and Mariana Fuertes et al.

Endocrine Connections
Genotype and phenotype landscape of MEN2 in 554 medullary thyroid cancer patients: the BrasMEN study
Rui M B Maciel and Cleber P Camach et al.

Endocrine-Related Cancer
MAPK- and AKT-activated thyroid cancers are sensitive to group I PAK inhibition
Christina M Knippler et al.