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NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Endocrinology/Diabetes (NTN(A) attached)

29 Jul 2010

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The University of Sheffield has opened applications for two new National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Lecturer posts. They are seeking highly motivated individuals, already familiar with research methodologies (i.e. already having completed an MD/PhD) and wishing to excel in both their clinical and academic training. Candidates must be eligible for or already hold a National Training Number.

The posts will be awarded to the two best candidates who apply for the posts in two of six possible specialties (endocrinology/diabetes being one). The Academic Unit of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism (AUDEM) at Sheffield is currently involved in research into type 1 diabetes, endocrine autoimmunity and neuro-endocrinology.

The deadline for applications is 31 August 2010. For more information please follow the link below.

Further details