Medical Research Council Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Pilot Studies

02 Jul 2010

The Medical Research Council (MRC), in collaboration with other Research Councils and Health Departments, offers funding under its Lifelong Health and Wellbeing (LLHW) Programme to support projects that address major ageing-related challenges that exist in the UK today.

Applications for areas where there is a need to build on the evidence base are particularly encouraged, and include (but are not limited to) mental health and wellbeing, resilience for successful ageing, and age-related conditions to promote and facilitate independence in later life. LLHW Pilot Studies support investigations into the feasibility of future cross-disciplinary projects, based on current supporting evidence and high-impact potential outcomes.

The deadline for applications is 15 September 2010. For more information please follow the link below.

MRC LLHW Pilot Studies