Society for Endocrinology 2010 BES conference declared a triumph!

24 Mar 2010

The Society for Endocrinology would like to thank all those involved - speakers, exhibitors, and delegates - for making the 2010 SfE BES conference a roaring success.

This year over 1000 people took part in the conference, which saw some of the best scientific content ever presented at a SfE BES meeting. Among the highlights were Dale Medal winner Professor Stephen O'Rahilly's insightful talk on his ongoing work in metabolic conditions, and Transatlantic Medal winner Professor Shlomo Melmed's comprehensive lecture on his research into pituitary adenomas.

A particular mention should also go to Young Endocrinologist Prize Lecture winners Dr Vicky Smith (basic) and Dr Alia Munir (clinical) for their exceptional talent in both research and public speaking, and to all the endocrinologists at the conference dinner that got up and strutted their stuff on the dance floor! Well done all!

We hope to see you at next years SfE BES conference, which will take place from 11 - 14 April 2011 in Birmingham, and which promises to be as lively and engaging as ever.

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Endocrine Abstracts - SfE BES conference 2010