PhD Studentship, University of Sheffield

22 Sept 2009

Via A PhD entitled 'Effects of obesity and weight loss on bone metabolism and structure' is available at the School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Bone Biomedical Research Unit, University of Sheffield. The studentship is funded by Sheffield NIHR Bone Biomedical Research Unit and forms part of a broad programme of translational bone research.

Fat mass can have major effects on bone health. High body weight affects skeletal loading, fat cells are an important producer of oestrogen in postmenopausal women and also produce hormones which affect bone cells directly and through central nervous system pathways. This project will be based around a cross-sectional study of the differences in bone metabolism and bone microstructure in obese and normal-weight individuals, and will also include studying models of weight loss. The techniques used will include biochemical markers of bone turnover and high resolution peripheral quantitative CT imaging.

For further details, please click on the link below. Applications will be accepted until 23 October 2009.

Job advert