Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Joint Home Office, Universities UK and Biosciences Federation Meeting: Workshop for new Project Licence Applicants

14 Sept 2009

Following the success of this event in previous years, Universities UK, the Home Office and the Animal Science Group of the BSF are planning the seventh joint meeting in London on Monday 2 November 2009. This year’s event – which is rather different from recent years - is a full-day workshop on writing a project licence application and is aimed primarily at first-time applicants. However, this general programme is also suitable for those contemplating renewing their project licences, their deputies, current project licence holders, senior NACWOs and members of the local ERP. Six volunteers will be sought to use their prospective projects for discussion at the workshops. If you are interested and available to attend the meeting for the full day, please return the application form which is available to download at the link below. Attendance is free of charge, however places are strictly limited with priority given to those who are drafting new project licence applications. The deadline for receiving completed applications to attend the meeting is 9 October 2009.
