RCP Linacre Lecture 2010

29 Jul 2009

The Royal College of Physicians are inviting applications to deliver the Linacre Lecture 2010. Applicants must be Members or Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London under the age of 40 on 30 September 2009. They should submit 8 copies of: I. An abbreviated CV, including present appointment and a list of personal publications and papers in press relevant to the lecture. II. A synopsis of the proposed lecture (about 500 words) describing the subject and the extent to which the work is original. Ideally the lecture should include a proportion of original unpublished work in a balanced account of the subject suitable for a general medical audience. If work has been carried out in collaboration or under supervision, approval by those colleagues must be obtained before the application is submitted. The name of the applicant should be in the top right hand corner of each copy of the synopsis.

Applications should be submitted to: Academic Registrar, Royal College of Physicians, 11 St Andrews Place, Regent’s Park, London. NW1 4LE, Tel: 020 7935 1174 Ext. 564, Fax: 020 7224 0719, Email: trustfunds@rcplondon.ac.uk, by the 30 September 2009.

RCP London