PhD Studentship, Newcastle University

02 Jun 2009

Via This studentship will evaluate how physical activity and exercise affect liver fat and glucose control in people with fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. The accumulation of fat inside of the liver is closely related to glucose control and lifestyle. Recent studies have shown that 100% of people with Type 2 diabetes have fat in their liver. Furthermore, the amount of liver fat is inversely related to physical activity, with the less physically active people having higher levels of liver fat. The aim of this studentship pathway is to report on the effects of exercise upon direct measures of liver fat and its mediators (insulin sensitivity) in people with clinically diagnosed high levels of liver fat.

This project will start in October 2009. Applicants should have, or expect to achieve, a first-class or upper-second-class Honours degree (or European equivalent) or a higher qualification, in a relevant subject. A good knowledge of exercise physiology or metabolism is preferred, but not essential. Application details can be found at the link below. Early application is advised as applications will only be considered until a suitable candidate is found.

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