11th International Pituitary Congress - 13 - 15 June 2009

03 Mar 2009

The International Pituitary Congress is designed to further the knowledge of clinicians and scientists specialising in the pituitary. Single session symposia, workshops, discussions and concurrent lunch sessions on Sunday will address a broad range of pituitary research and clinical issues. The focus of this year’s Congress is on current concepts, future strategies, and options for the investigation, diagnosis and treatment options for pituitary diseases. This year’s Congress will be at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC on 13-15 June 2009 (immediately following ENDO 2009). The deadline for abstract submission is Monday 6 April 2009 and the advance registration deadline is Monday 13 April 2009. For further details please contact: 11th International Pituitary Congress Secretariat, 8797 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 250, Los Angeles, CA 90048, USA Tel: +310 423 2937 Fax: +310 423 0309, email: pituitarycongress@cshs.org or visit the website below.

The Pituitary Society website