British Thyroid Foundation Awards

23 Jan 2009

The Evelyn Ashley Smith Award is offered by the British Thyroid Foundation (BTF) to enable a nurse with a specialist interest in thyroid disorders to provide improved care to patients with thyroid disorders. The award of £500, was made possible by the late Evelyn Ashley Smith, who was a member of the BTF for many years. The award will be offered to (a) support training needs including conference attendance, (b) support a specific project lasting one year, or (c) reward a piece of work already completed, but not yet published. Applicants must demonstrate that the activity supported by the award is aimed at enhancing care of patients with thyroid disorders.

The BTF Research Award is a 1-year award of up to £10,000 to enable medical researchers to supplement existing projects or to pump-prime existing research ideas. The successful project must be specifically directed to the study of thyroid disorders or an investigation into the basic understanding of thyroid function. Application forms are available from: BTF Nurse Award/BTF Research Award, 2nd Floor, 3 Devonshire Place, Harrogate, HG1 4AA, email: or can be downloaded at the BTF website below. The closing date for receipt of applications is 1 July 2009 for the Nurse Award and 31 August 2009 for the Research Award.

BTF website