BBSRC Research Fellowships 2008

07 Oct 2008

Proposals are invited for the following BBSRC fellowships to start during the latter part of 2009: David Phillips Fellowships: For outstanding early-career scientists who wish to establish themselves as independent researchers. Awards are for a period of 5 years and provide a significant research support grant to cover the costs of the research programme. Research Development Fellowships: These fellowships aim to support scientists wishing to undertake new directions in their research. Applicants seeking to develop interdisciplinary dimensions by integrating new techniques or methodologies into their research are particularly encouraged. Professorial Fellowships: To support world-class scientists with a proven track record of developing new and innovative directions of research and who have the potential to use a fellowship to open up dramatic and novel lines of work. Please see the BBSRC website below, for full details on all fellowship schemes including the eligibility criteria and how to apply. The closing date for proposals is 12 November 2008.

BBSRC website