Deadline extended to host a Specialised Endocrinology Network for Bone and Mineral

12 Mar 2021

Society’s Clinical Committee, working with our Bone and Calcium Endocrine Network, and in association with the NHSEI Clinical Reference Group, propose setting up a network of bone and mineral hubs across the UK. We have extended the deadline for applications to the 7 May 2021, to account for the current added professional pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
It has become clear from the GIRFT process, and other available data, that significant variance is present in the outcomes and quality of clinical endocrinology services across the UK.
The specialised endocrinology networks for bone and mineral aim to more standardise care in this area.
It is envisaged that there would be a number of specific objectives for this system including: 

• Ensuring that conditions like hypoparathyroidism, which can be challenging in management, are managed by people who have extensive experience of these conditions. 

• Promoting collaboration on academic activities in this important area.  

• Supporting the training of junior endocrinologists in these conditions. 

If you are actively involved in providing specialised calcium endocrine and metabolic clinical services and would like to apply for your centre to host a network, we would be most grateful if you could complete this application form and return it to by the 7 May 2021
Applications will be considered by a panel of network members according to the criteria provided. Applicants will be informed of the outcome by email.