UPDATE - Input on the Government's conversion therapy ban consultation

13 Dec 2021

The UK Government plans to introduce a legislative ban on the practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy’, which particularly affects LGBT people, and has an open consultation seeking views on its proposals and how it plans to implement the ban.

The consultation has now been extended until Friday 4 February at 11:45pm and the Society for Endocrinology is encouraging individual members to respond.

Conversion therapy is clearly an abhorrent practice but there is concern about the way that the proposed ban will be implemented.

This an important issue where the voice of endocrinologists can highlight the medical risks and the need for careful consideration before life-changing endocrine therapies are used in patient care. Any decisions involving the use of endocrine drug therapies or surgery must be based on medical evidence and overseen by qualified experts, in order to safeguard people’s physical and mental health, particularly those transitioning.

Review the consultation and comment by Friday 4 February at 11:45pm.