Have your say on chronic hypoparathyroidism

03 Jul 2020

A national survey of management of patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism is being conducted with the support of Parathyroid UK and the Society for Endocrinology.

Many apologies if you are experiencing déjà vu, the audit was launched earlier this year, just before the Covid-19 crisis started. However, understandably the response rate was very low and so it is being re-launched.

Can you (or a delegated colleague) help with conducting this survey by completing the data collection tool for up to 5 patients diagnosed with hypoparathyroidism in your institution before January 2020, and seen in your clinic within the last 2 years.

Even if you can only complete one datareturn this would be very helpful although the more you can complete the better. Ideally these would be (up to) the last 5 sequential chronic hypoparathyroidism patients seen in your clinic but we realise that readily identifying them in strict sequential order may not be easy and thus completed returns on any 5 individual cases managed in the last 2 years would be most helpful.

Please complete the survey in electronic or hard copy and then save or
scan and return by email to jianshen.kiam@nhs.net before 1 October 2020.

If you would like to post hard copies mail to:

Professor Jeremy Turner, Department of Endocrinology, Norfolk
and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UY