Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

News from the SfE AGM

19 Apr 2011

The AGM was held on 13 April during the SfE BES meeting at the ICC in Birmingham. At the AGM, members voted on the adoption of the new Articles of Association. These have been revised to reflect Council’s decision to change the term Chairman of the Society to President of the Society and to change the terms of office of the President and General Secretary. They were also slightly altered to provide more flexibility in terms of who attends Council meetings. The full Articles can be accessed via the link below.

New Officers elected

We are delighted to announce that Professor Ashley Grossman, Professor David Ray and Dr Chris McCabe were successfully elected to the posts of President, General Secretary and Programme Secretary respectively. They will take up office at the 2012 AGM and will shadow the current Officers until then.

New Council members elected

We are pleased to welcome Professor Jonathan Seckl, Professor Tony Weetman and Professor Anne White to Council following an e-ballot amongst Full Members of the Society. Our thanks go to retiring Council members Dr Nigel Brooks, Professor Peter Clayton and Professor Steve O’Rahilly who have just completed their four year term of office on Council.

Articles of Association