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Clinical Endocrinology Trust Lecture: Professor Fredrik Karpe is a physician-scientist who is professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Oxford and head of OCDEM.

Professor Fredrik Karpe

| University of Oxford

Professor Fredrik Karpe is a physician-scientist who is professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Oxford and head of OCDEM. He moved to Oxford from his native Sweden in 1999 where he trained in clinical medicine and had his first part of his career researching human lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. Over the past two decades he has been using genomics, cell biology and whole body physiology to investigate metabolic consequence of obesity and human fat distribution. To promote research in translational medicine he has established the bespoke recall bioresource the Oxford Biobank consisting of 9,000 deeply phenotyped participants who have given informed consent to take part in future studies enabling recall-by-genotype and recall-by-phenotype approaches. Fredrik leads the Oxford Lipid Clinic service and has contributed widely to lipidology in his research and by authoring text books (Oxford University Press etc) and is the past president of the Royal Society of Medicine Lipids in Medicine section. Fredrik’s research is funded by the British Heart Foundation and the Medical Research Council.


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