Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Membership benefits for scientists 


Scientist Members

As a scientist member, you have access to a host of membership benefits including grants, discounted registration to all Society events, publishing discounts, awards and much more!


Become a member


  • Reduced registration at the Society's physical events including this year's SfE BES Conference
  • Free access to our Bitesize webinars and Virtual Coffee Chats
  • Reduced registration to selected partner events
  • Opportunities to speak at and chair sessions at SfE Events.
  • Join one or more of the Society’s eight endocrine networks facilitating networking and collaboration with others in your field
  • Apply to join or mentor the Society’s Leadership and Development Awardees Programme. This three-year programme provides an opportunity for Awardees to network and collaborate with senior-level clinical endocrinologists, enhancing their professional profile and fostering career development
  • Members also have the opportunity to be nominated for ESE Awards as well as ESE and ISE Committees.
  • Our members can also expand their networks via discounted membership of the European Society of Endocrinology and the International Society for Endocrinology
  • Deliver taster days for undifferentiated trainees, to raise the profile of the specialty
  • Apply to become an Endocrine Ambassador, raising awareness of the discipline and encouraging students to consider endocrinology as a career.
  • Undertake public engagement activities with support from the Society, giving you opportunities to talk about your work to wider audiences. e.g. For example, by becoming a content editor for our public-facing website: You and Your Hormones, becoming a media ambassador, taking part in our schools outreach programme, or participating in public events.
  • Access member-only content held on the Society’s website. Ever-growing, this members’ area includes on-demand access to all the Society’s Research Skills webinar episodes from 2020 and 2021
  • There is also a member directory where you can contact others in your field.
  • As an SfE member, you will have full voting rights, as well as the opportunity to serve on a number of Society committees
  • You will also have the opportunity to join editorial boards for the Society’s Journals, its magazine The Endocrinologist, or our public-facing website You and Your Hormones.
  • Receive interesting endocrine news from the Society including the monthly Clinical News Update and quarterly magazine The Endocrinologist
  • Keep up to date on how ESE are influencing policy decisions in Europe through their ESE Advocacy Representation Scheme (EARS), which is free to all Society for Endocrinology members (further sign up is required).
Become a member