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2010 British Biology Olympiad - registration now open

04 Nov 2009

The British Biology Olympiad and the Biology Challenge competitions are aimed at enthusiastic post-16 biology students and are supported by the Society of Biology, BBSRC and University of Birmingham School of Biosciences. Every year the best young biologists from all types of schools throughout the UK take part in this demanding and rewarding competition. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals along with Highly Commended and Commended certificates are awarded on the results of the first round examination. These are presented by the BBO President at an Awards Ceremony in late June in London. Additional prizes are awarded to the top schools in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The competition is also used to select a team to represent the United Kingdom at the annual International Biology Olympiad which is to take place in Korea in July 2010.

Entrants will take a ninety minute multiple-choice paper between the 1-5 February 2010. High scoring students will be invited to take an additional paper and the score from this paper will be used to identify the twelve finalists. The papers will be taken in school and the answer sheets marked by the School of Biosciences at the University of Birmingham. The School of Biosciences will also host the finals between the 14-16 April 2010. These take the form of practical tests which are used to select the UK team for the International Biology Olympiad (IBO). Some training for the IBO will also take place at the finals in Birmingham and the team will receive additional training in July at several venues, including the Natural History Museum and Kew Gardens.

Full details can be found on the British Biology Olympiad website below. Application forms should be submitted by 18 December 2009.

British Biology Olympiad