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WHO does not recommend the use of homeopathy for HIV, malaria, TB, influenza and infant diarrhoea

14 Sept 2009

In June Voice of Young Science (Sense About Science) joined with other early career medics and researchers in Africa and wrote an open letter to the WHO, calling on the body to condemn the promotion of homeopathy for treating HIV, malaria, TB, infant diarrhoea and influenza.

The WHO has responded and said that it DOES NOT recommend the use of homeopathy for treating HIV, TB, malaria, influenza and infant diarrhoea. The office of Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, stated on 14 August 2009 that these responses “clearly express the WHO’s position”. Today the Voice of Young Science network, has written to the health ministers of all countries to publicise the WHO’s position, asking them to combat the promotion of homeopathy for these dangerous diseases. The story can be found on the BBC and Sense About Science websites at the links below.

BBC website

Sense About Science website