Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 127 Spring 2018

Endocrinologist > Spring 2018 > Society News

Early Career member? Here’s why you should join a committee...

Louise Hunter | Society News


It’s never too early to think about membership of one of the Society’s committees. Early Career voices are valued; they can bring a fresh perspective, highlight the issues that matter to clinicians and scientists in training, and provide views from the ‘shop floor’, whether that be the hospital or the laboratory. In return, committee membership can open up invaluable educational and career opportunities of which you might otherwise have been unaware.


I’m halfway through my term as one of the clinical trainee representatives on the Clinical Committee and on the Early Career Steering Group. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with the Society staff and getting to know my colleagues from across the UK. On a serious note, the Clinical Committee work has given me an insight into how policy changes come about, how guidelines are drawn up, and how services are designed and financed. On the fun side, I’ve had input into the programme for the SfE BES conference, and collaborated with colleagues from other organisations on events for trainees.


I’d urge anyone who is interested to consider joining a committee. The time commitment is not onerous (usually two or three meetings per year, plus email correspondence), and you’ll undoubtedly find it a rewarding experience!

Louise Hunter, Clinical Committee (Trainee Representative) & Early Career Steering Group

From January 2019 there will be vacancies on the following Society committees:

  • Clinical
  • Nurse
  • Corporate Liaison
  • Programme
  • Finance
  • Public Engagement
  • Nominations
  • Science

Click here to find out more about the work of each committee and to nominate before 29 June 2018.

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Spring 2018

Spring 2018

The Endocrinologist


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