Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

A word from the Editor

Amir Sam | A word from the Editor

In this issue of The Endocrinologist, the achievements of women in endocrinology past and present are showcased. We hope that our celebration of these successes will contribute to a shift towards equality that is needed across STEMM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine).

Helen Simpson opens the issue with an account of the current gender equality landscape in endocrinology. Rachel Jennings and Kate Lines describe some of the challenges and rewards of an academic career for women, as a clinical lecturer and an early career scientist respectively.

Vicky Salem, Lizzie Avis and Kevin Murphy have explored gender biases, closer to home, at our national annual conference (SfE BES). Saira Hameed provides a historical view of women in endocrinology, referring to intellectually formidable women who advanced endocrinology in game-changing ways.

Maralyn Druce summarises the key features of the Athena SWAN programme. The conversation between early career clinician scientist Kerri Devine and senior academic Philippa Saunders covers the challenges of networking, peer support and balancing family. Deborah Garlick highlights the need to introduce good practice for menopause into the workplace.

It is impossible to do justice in this Editor’s note to all the women in endocrinology, so I shall rapidly cede the floor to those excellent women who are contributing to this edition!

With warmest good wishes

Amir Sam

This Issue:

Spring 2019

Spring 2019

The Endocrinologist


Summer 2024

Summer 2024