Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

A word from the Editor

Helen Simpson | A word from the Editor

It seems an eternity since I wrote my last editorial, peak-pandemic. I think a COVID-19 month is equal to a non-COVID year, and I can barely remember life BC (‘before COVID’). Watching TV cricket highlights on ‘Ben Stokes day’ and the amazing Bowie set at Glastonbury, I find it hard to imagine being anywhere crowded ever again. Sadly, but inevitably, SfE BES 2020 will be virtual this year (you will find the programme on page 17), and we will have to wait a little longer before we can meet up to share our stories.

In this issue, we share some experiences of how endocrinologists have adapted during the pandemic. Risheka Walls and colleagues discuss running virtual endocrinology masterclasses (page 6), whilst Caroline Gorvin and Mark Turner demonstrate how to run a lab from our living rooms (page 18). On page 26, Steve Ball reflects on how rapidly things changed in March, and describes principles to consider as we rebuild our endocrinology services. You will find the Society for Endocrinology’s work looking at the future of endocrinology on page 22.

Then, reminding us there is life apart from coronavirus, we have some articles on the science of cancer, including those of the breast (page 7) and prostate (page 9) and neuroendocrine tumours (page 10). Caroline Maslin (page 14) writes about how it feels to be a patient living with cancer, how it affects lives in ways that are not immediately apparent. She emphasises the importance of discussing the consequences of treatments before irreversible decisions are made.

As our children go back to school, those not in key services go back to work, and COVID-19 cases rise again, I wonder where we will be in another 3 months. I hope we will not see a full blown second wave, although some will already have experienced local lockdowns. I hope you all had time away from work over the summer to pause, refresh and relax. Keep safe as we go into autumn and then winter. Go well, team endocrinology.

Helen Simpson

This Issue:

Autumn 2020

Autumn 2020

The Endocrinologist


Winter 2024

Winter 2024