Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrinologist 144 Cover
Issue 144 Summer 2022

Endocrinologist > Summer 2022 > Society News


| Society News

In 2020, the Society for Endocrinology convened a member working group, led by Professor Karen Chapman, to conduct a review of its governance. This included the structure of our Council and Committees and other decision-making groups, the breadth of expertise represented and the underpinning processes.

The group concluded that, although the Society was well-run and effective, it could, and should, do more to embed equality, diversity and inclusion practices across its governance, to enable it to best fulfil its mission.

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The review identified four main themes for development:

(a) better representation of the diversity of the Society’s membership within the governance structure, including under-represented groups such as clinicians working at district general hospitals, nurses and early career members

(b) more clarity and transparency over election processes to foster better member engagement, which should translate into better diversity within the governance structure

(c) greater focus on recruiting and supporting the development of early career endocrinologists, utilising early career members’ experiences to inform decision making

(d) increased emphasis on education and training within the governance structure, which should support the above aims.


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Society members were consulted on the group’s recommendations before they were discussed by Council in September 2021. Of the 92 individual recommendations, 47 were approved as written, and the remainder will be reconsidered in the spirit with which they were put forward.

The main activities now underway to address the recommendations are:

• setting up a new member-led working group to consider equality, diversity and inclusion

• increasing clarity and transparency around all governance processes, including clear role descriptions with statements of desirable skills

• replacing nominations with an application-based election process, to increase inclusivity and foster better member engagement, particularly from under-represented groups

• improving clarity and transparency for all medal, prize and grant processes

• reviewing progress and setting a strategy for education and training with members from across all Society Committees at twice yearly meetings.

Read the full Governance Review report.

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The Endocrinologist


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