Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrinologist 149 Cover (Small)
Issue 149 Autumn 2023

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2023 > Society News


| Society News

Do you want to keep the Society’s members informed about the key issues affecting our discipline? Then why not apply to join the Editorial Board for your Society’s member magazine: The Endocrinologist?

‘Meet new people, try new things and flex your creative muscles.'

The Endocrinologist provides a vital line of communication between members, helping to foster a sense of community and loyalty. Editorial Board members create and commission content for The Endocrinologist, helping to produce a publication that highlights news and issues that affect clinicians, scientists and nurses working in endocrinology, at all career stages.


As an Editorial Board member, you’ll maintain an overview of the magazine’s content, to ensure that it represents members’ interests and is in line with the Society’s aims. This includes:

  • identifying and commissioning articles from authors
  • reviewing all material to decide on its suitability in terms of subject, interest, quality and topic
  • writing ‘hot topics’ from the latest journal articles
  • working with the Society team to ensure that the production schedule runs smoothly
  • attending four Editorial Board meetings per year (no more than one is in-person).


Read on to hear from current Editorial Board members about how they got involved and why you should apply to be part of The Endocrinologist team!


Louise Hunter

Louise Hunter

Louise is a Clinical Senior Lecturer in Endocrinology at the University of Manchester. As well as being a member of the Editorial Board, she has been selected as one of the Society’s 2023 Leadership and Development Programme Awardees.

How did you first get involved with the Society?

During my FY2 year, my rotation took me to the Paediatric Endocrinology Department at Yorkhill Hospital in Glasgow. The consultant team there really nurtured my interest in endocrinology, and encouraged me to become a member of the Society. I benefited early on from one of the award schemes that funded attendance of the SfE BES conference – that lured me in!

What do you enjoy most about being part of The Endocrinologist team?

Working with the rest of the Editorial Board is brilliant – they’re a lovely bunch of people. I like the brainstorming sessions when we plan an issue, and seeing the final version come together is very satisfying.

How has serving on the Editorial Board helped your career?

We get to read all the features as each issue is being put together. This is both educational and a great means of finding out who the experts are in each field.

Which feature in The Endocrinologist stands out to you?

There’s not a single feature, but there are some issues I’m particularly pleased with. I think it’s important that The Endocrinologist is a source of inspiration and advice for early career members and, as such, the recent career-focused issues (Autumn 2022, Autumn 2019) are standouts for me. I hope readers found them useful. As part of the Centre for Biological Timing at the University of Manchester, I’m biased, but I think our Winter 2019 issue (Rhythms of Life: Timing in Endocrinology) was especially interesting!

Why should someone join the Editorial Board?

It broadens your perspective on the field, and it gives you the opportunity to shape discussion on topical issues. The time commitment isn’t significant – we meet (usually virtually) a few times a year, with most business conducted via email.


Craig is an Associate Professor in Metabolism at Nottingham Trent University. In addition to being an Editorial Board member, he sits on the Society’s Science Committee, and is part of the SfE BES Programme Committee.

How did you first get involved with the Society?

As a postdoc in Birmingham, maybe in 2012?! It was a great place of endocrine excellence. I went to my first SfE BES conference (in Harrogate of course). I was very taken with how friendly everyone was, the science being done, and the strong feeling of community.

What do you enjoy most about being part of The Endocrinologist team?

Oh, without a doubt, it’s meeting with my colleagues on the Editorial Board. They’re a delight to hang out with and we have great fun brainstorming! Also, producing a tangible object every quarter is satisfying. Academia is packed with opportunities for bureaucracy, forms get completed and sent, you can’t be sure they ever get read. But, with The Endocrinologist, we get to create a product every 12 weeks, and it’s read too … I hope.

How has serving on the Editorial Board helped your career?

The dull answer to this is that it ticks a box on the CV. The correct and better answer is that it has been a wonderful experience to meet new people, try new things and flex my creative muscles. Endocrinology is a field that occasionally allows us to create an issue slightly on the edge of the remit. It doesn’t always make the path easy … and we have a very, very patient Managing Editor!

Screenshot of an Editorial Board meeting

An Editorial Board meeting

Which job in the role of Editorial Board member stands out to you?

It’s really the consistency and the sum of all the jobs needed to create an issue that stand out. Generating hot topics, writing and commissioning articles, even coming up with ideas for cover images: there’s a huge variety in the role – it’s exciting.

Why should someone join the Editorial Board?

It’s enjoyable, and it’s also a career development opportunity. I’ve learned so much from those I’ve worked with on the Board. The Editors in particular (shout out to Helen Simpson and Kim Jonas) have been great sources of inspiration. For example, their creativity and pragmatism dealing with difficult issues have been wonderful to see. As a result of being on the Editorial Board, I’ve made new contacts and gained new knowledge about areas of endocrinology that I’m not normally exposed to. That box on the CV has been ticked too!




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The Endocrinologist


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