Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrinologist 151 Cover
Issue 151 Spring 2024

Endocrinologist > Spring 2024 > Features


| Features

I found clinical practice during the first COVID lockdown my hardest professional experience to date. I still find some of the clinical experiences I had during that time difficult to think of and really sad. I worked with wonderful people and there was a strong sense of teamwork that helped. I was quite stretched at the time with my clinical role plus delivering undergraduate education remotely, and also trying to teach my children at home, so it was probably the most pressured I have felt professionally.

Niamh Martin


Obtaining funding for research and balancing personal, academic and research commitments without being overwhelmed.

Chioma Izzi-Engbeaya


As a mother of two children, trying to pursue a clinical academic career, I have found it challenging to juggle the demands of work and family commitments, whilst maintaining my own well-being. I frequently feel that I am not giving enough of myself to many aspects of my personal and professional life.

Pamela Bowman


Juggling a family life, clinical and academic career.

Anjali Amin


The greatest challenge is finding enough hours in the day to do the interesting extras in your job (e.g. non-job planned research) without compromising the family life.

Teng-Teng Chung


They say it’s a marathon not a sprint, but marathons are really hard. For me, it’s not just keeping the pace but that the pace changes, with different things to carry, be it rejection, starting/growing a family or adjusting to wearing the different hats the role requires.

Aylin Hanyaloglu


Finding sufficient time to dedicate myself to tasks the way I would want to. It seems that time is exponentially reduced with career progression in academia.

Cynthia Andoniadou


Imposter syndrome. Everyday I am surrounded by brilliant scientists and clinicians who have such vast knowledge, and this adds to my anxiety. Learning that there are no stupid questions, and explaining my own work so everyone in the room can understand, are great skills which I try to continually work on to combat imposter syndrome.

Angela Taylor


Keeping perspective of my value when taking regular funding knockbacks − it’s important to have other foci in your career and not define yourself by only one readout.

Ruth Andrew


Juggling clinical and academic work and the semblance of a work−life balance! Staying motivated and positive during the palpable change in the NHS and its dedicated workforce over the last year or two is certainly a current challenge.

Charlotte Elder

This Issue:

Spring 2024

Spring 2024

The Endocrinologist


Autumn 2024

Autumn 2024