Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Are you interested in or have experience of industrial partnerships, building trust and gaining their support? Join Dr Ana Tiganescu for an informal discussion on building and maintaining industry partnership.

Whether you want to listen and learn, or to share you experiences with our endocrine community, this session welcomes members from all career levels.


Speaker info

My research aims to improve skin function and wound healing in ageing, diabetes and glucocorticoid toxicity. Working closely with industry, I lead pre-clinical and translational studies targeting stress hormone metabolism as a novel wound therapy.

This work also led to a new digital solution to image healing using machine learning. I enjoy innovation and interdisciplinary working with creative and dynamic teams. I am also an elected member of the Society for Endocrinology’s Science Committee and Corporate Liaison Committee. Outside work I like drawing, pottery and my allotment.