Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 129 Autumn 2018

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2018 > Society News

A sense of community: collecting your SfE BES stories

| Society News

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Our annual conference is shaped by you, our members. From early career endocrinologists taking their first steps in the field, to nurses presenting their work, to established scientists and clinicians keeping up-to-date with the latest endocrinology, we support our members at every stage of their career.


Now we’re asking, what does the Society for Endocrinology BES conference mean to you? Share your experiences via our website: who you met, how you were inspired or what you learned. Here are a few brief quotes taken from your colleagues’ stories…


‘I’d only just started my first postdoc job and didn’t have any idea what to expect, and to make it more nerve-racking my abstract was selected for an oral presentation. Thankfully after preparing myself with tea and cake at Betty’s the talk went well.’

Kate Lines, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Oxford University


‘Each time I have understood more and met more healthcare professionals, who are valuable sources of knowledge and information.’

Lisa Shepherd, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital/ Diabetes & Endocrine Centre

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‘Attending SfE BES for me is like coming home, it has given me such pleasure over the years and I leave each meeting with a wealth of new knowledge and experiences, and a warm glow!’

Annice Mukherjee, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust & University of Manchester


‘I remember listening to, and meeting throughout the conference, people whose papers I had read, and I was delighted to be a small part of it.’

Peter Taylor, Cardiff University

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‘With each SfE BES I seem to become busier! I enjoy marking the posters as it is an opportunity to meet young endocrinologists – seeing their enthusiasm can inspire the “midult” generation.’

Helen Simpson, University College London


‘SfE BES always provides inspiration and I’m enthused by the knowledge and skill of others. It acts as a springboard for new ideas and revitalises my endocrine spirit.’

Antonia Brooke, Clinical Lead in Endocrinology in Exeter, Training Programme Director for Peninsula Endocrinology


Read your colleagues’ stories in full and tell us your own at

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